-Is Personal Training for me?

-What about Remote Training?

-Don’t I need to be in shape to work with a trainer?

-How long do I need to commit to a trainer?

-What kind of results am I guaranteed?

-How many days a week do I need to work with a trainer?

-Do I get a meal plan with my coaching?

Is Personal Training for me?

Personal training is for anyone! Our coaches are here to do more than just give you a killer workout. They hold you accountable to your goals, make adjustments to your exercise and nutrition programs when you’re making progress or struggling with a plateau, and provide you with a supportive experience to reach your goals.

What about Remote Training?

Remote training is primarily for one of two people, however there are exceptions.

The individual who would like to work with our coaches but do not live in the immediate area. While less frequent contact, your exercise and nutrition program is still delivered by our coaches and adjusted to your goals and needs.

The experienced person who just needs a little guidance in the gym or kitchen, but does not need constant one on one attention. Generally speaking these individuals already know their way around a gym and feel confident in HOW to do something, but want to take out the guesswork on WHAT to do. A gym membership or access to gym equipment of some kind is required.

Don’t I need to be in shape to work with a trainer?

Not a all! We work with clients in all aspects of their fitness journey. Those that are just starting out and have no idea what to do in a gym, to advanced athletes looking for a new competitive edge in their off season or on season training. There is no requirement or fitness test you need to pass to get started.

How long do I have to commit to a coach?

As long as you want! Most people who are serious about their goals will work with a coach for several months or even years. However some people want a trainer’s help to build a solid foundation for what they should do and eventually graduate out on their own. There is no required timeline to work with a coach, just what fits with your budget and schedule.

What kind of results am I guaranteed?

To put it bluntly, you’re not guaranteed anything, no matter how long you commit to a program. The reasons are simple; results require dedication, hard work, and patience. If you stick with a nutrition plan, if you honestly work hard in the gym, if you make the conscious effort to adjust your lifestyle, you should see steady progress over time. Coach Jay and Coach Chris do not believe in quick fix or easy solutions, rather, they could rather see you build healthy habits overtime to create a sustainable lifestyle.

How many days a week do I need to work with a trainer?

There is not a set number of days you have to work with a trainer. Most of our clients meet with a trainer twice a week, sometimes three times, but your overall frequency depends on what you can fit in your budget and schedule.

Do I get a meal plan with my coaching?

No. Your coach can provide you with advice on foods that are better suited to your needs. But a written plan of what to eat, by most state’s laws, is considered prescriptions and require a Registered Dietitian or Nutritionist by that state. This is because RDs and Nutritionist are licensed by a governing board and can be held accountable, where as most personal trainers and coaches are personally liable.

That being said, we are more than capable of helping you reach your goals with our thorough, evidenced based nutrition coaching and guidance, without the restrictions of a ridgid meal plan.